The Underriver Village Association (UVA), which is a registered charity, is represented by a committee of elected villagers, who meet on a monthly basis. An annual general meeting, open to all members, is held in the village hall in late November. If you are interested in joining the Association, at £10 per household per year, please contact either Robert Talbot (Secretary) on 01732 761546 or [email protected] , or Miles Hayward (Treasurer) on 01732 834847
On the committee are representatives of the Horticultural Society, Thursday Underriver Group (T.U.G.), Cricket Club, Parish Church Council and Wildlife Group. Each group reports to the committee on the various activities taking place in the village.
The UVA manages all activities at the Village Hall and oversees the maintenance of the hall and the village green. In addition, the UVA concerns itself with the lanes, footpaths and bridleways surrounding and running through Underriver, influencing planning strategy (see below) as well as other general matters of interest to Underriver residents.
(A Village Design Statement, approved by Sevenoaks District Council in 2004, is now available on-line. Residents are urged to ensure that any planning application submitted to the Council is in accordance with this Statement. Please note that this document is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. If you have difficulties reading this file it may be necessary to download and install the Adobe Reader from
The following annual village events are also managed by the UVA which in 2011 will be:
Quiz Night - 12th March
Golf Day - 11th June
Fireworks Night - 28th Oct
Christmas Dinner - 9th Dec