St Margaret’s Church family warmly welcomes you to our services as we worship God.
Our church building is in the middle of the village, almost next door to the pub, and is much loved by those who know it. It was built in 1865 by John Davison, the
Judge Advocate General, who lived in Underriver House. It was designed by
George Gilbert Scott in a simple Gothic style and it is now a listed building. The Church has a particularly fine organ. The parish is part of the Church of England’s Diocese of Rochester.
Full details of our services and events are in the monthly Underriver Newssheet and on the website : and on the notice board inside the Church porch. Through a variety of services we aim to provide worship for all ages, in both traditional and modern language.
There is a small and enthusiastic choir at St Margaret’s, who practise about once a fortnight. We also have a marvellous body of helpers who clean the Church, polish the brass, provide the flowers, tend the Churchyard, read the lessons and welcome all who come to our services.
Do come and join us in prayer, praise and thanksgiving to God through Jesus Christ.
For information about baptisms, weddings or funerals please contact our vicar, (During our Interregnum please contact our Churchwarden,
Andrea Pierce (email [email protected] or Tel: 01732 832408)